Vehicle Compatibility: Tata Indica Grand, Indica Vista, Aria, Marina LS, Marcopolo 24v / Honda New CR-V (M/T) / Fiat Lenia, Palio ELPS, Palio ELX, Palio Petra, Palio Stile, Linea, Siena DLX / Hyundai Accent, Elentra / Ford Fiesta / Mahindra Scorpio 2015 Projector / Chevrolet Optra / Mitsubishi Montero, Parejo / Skoda Laura, Laura Skoda Elegance, Ambience, Superb / Nissan Terrano / Renault Duster Up to 80 percent whiter light with high color 4200K A new can-bus adaptor integrated in ballast gives 30 percent more comparability HID lighting systems have an operational lifetime that is five times longer than halogen and incandescent bulbs.
Additional Information
Product Needs Fitment | Yes |
Brand | Osram |
Manufacturer's Warranty